The Production Module provides a structured workflow to manage your entire production process. You can create, track, and manage production orders through different stages.
Setting Up a New Production Order
Before creating a production order, ensure that the necessary items or products are set up in the Items module and the locations for production stages are defined in the Locations module.
Note: Locations are added from Administration‣Locations.
Basic Information
- Code: Enter a unique code for the production order if applicable.
- Name: Provide a name that clearly identifies the production order.
- Customer: Select the customer associated with this order from the existing list managed in the system.
- Company: Choose the company responsible for the production.
- Account: Link the production order to a specific account in the system to ensure accurate tracking of financial and logistical details.
Document Information
- Document No: Optionally, manually enter a document number for internal tracking.
- Date: Specify the date when the production order is created or initiated.
- Location Consumption: Select the location where raw materials or items will be consumed during the production process.
- Location In Progress: Designate the location where in-progress work will be carried out.
Location Production: Choose the location where the final product will be completed.
Adding Production Items
Select and manage the items that are part of the production order.
Item Details
- Item: Use the "Search for Items" option to select products or materials from the existing item list.
- Description: Provide a brief description of each item to ensure clarity.
- Quantity: Specify the quantity of each item required for production.
- Unit Price: Enter the unit price for each item, which will be used to calculate the total production cost.
- Amount: The system will automatically calculate the total amount based on the quantity and unit price.
- Start Date: Define the start date for the production of each item.
- End Date: Specify the expected end date for the production of each item.
- Location Consumption: Reconfirm the location where materials for this item will be consumed.
- Location In Progress: Assign the location where work on this item will be in progress.
- Location Production: Confirm the location where the final product will be completed.
- Stage: Select the current stage of production for the item (Draft, Not Started, In Progress, Finished).
Note: Stages can be defined from production Settings‣Document stages and workflow.
After creating a production order, you can access the deails within the Production Module details to view and manage its details. To do this, select the specific production order from the list to view or edit. Clicking on the document number will open the detailed view of the production order. In this view, you can review essential information, including production dates, item specifics, associated accounts, and financial details.